Big Idea: Playful Learning
Students learn best through exploration of materials and play. Learning through play supports imagination and it allows students to have a sense of adventure. It can also help students develop skills used in areas other than art, such as creative problem solving and working with others. This lesson will look at the artist Cyrus Kabiru and use him as inspiration for how to use found materials to participate in experimentation and play in art making.
Full Lesson Plan
Cyrus Kabiru
Cyrus Kabiru is a Kenyan artist that creates "glasses" known as C-stunners out of found materials. They defy the normal conception of eyewear and function more as a fashion piece. His first pair was created in response to his father saying he needed to make his own glasses rather than buying him a pair, and so he set out to experiment with scrap materials around his house to create.
List of Possible Materials
Toilet or Paper Towel Rolls
Egg Cartons
Bottle Caps
Pipe Cleaners
Popsicle Sticks
Hot Glue
Teacher Samples
Student Work