Eighth school students will learn how to use new clay techniques and processes to create a hybrid animal of their choosing. Learning will be supported through thoughtful planning, demonstrations, introductions of new artists, and discussions. This is relevant at this age because for middle school students there is an emphasis on inventing new images, stating preferences for a work of art and involving choice, and exploring areas of interest more to develop problem solving skills.
Learning Objectives
Students will visually demonstrate their understanding and thought process of creating a hybrid animal sculpture through the completion of the planning worksheet before working with clay.
Students will explore techniques in art making by experimenting with new concepts, subject matters, and processes in clay.
Students will engage in a critique and self-reflection and develop a thoughtful response to other student’s artworks within the class.
Students will successfully collaborate to create a work of art at the beginning of class to facilitate a positive classroom environment.
Artist Inspiration
Beth Cavener
Rebecca Bogard
Lindsay Pichaski
Guiding Questions:
Are these sculptures more realistic or abstract?
How does the size and scale of the sculptures play a role in how they are interpreted?
How is color being used? Why do you think the artist chose to apply color this way?
How is texture different in all three of the artists’ work?
Learning Supports
Clay Planning Worksheet: Students will complete this worksheet to help plan out ideas and final designs of their sculptures before working with clay.

Clay Information Worksheet: Students will listen to and view and PowerPoint presentation about genera clay information and then fill out this worksheet to further support understanding before working with clay.
Art Making Steps
Create two pinch pots of the same size and slip and score them together to create the body
Add larger parts such as the head, arms, legs, tail
Add smaller details such as facial features
Add appropriate texture based on your design
Let clay dry and wait for it to be fired
Once fired, add two coats of your color choosing of glaze to the entire sculpture except the bottom
Let glaze dry and wait for the final firing process
Student Work